If you are into different types of coffee, you must try the traditional Turkish coffee recipe. It is a great way to bring variety in your daily coffee routine and enjoy yourself. You can also bring some excitement to your guest tables and make it a way of enjoying your social life. I have tried my first Turkish coffee on my first tour at Istambul back in 2008 and I loved it so much that it has become one of the favorite ways of enjoying coffee with my mates.
Turkish coffee along with all types of middle eastern coffee recipes are quite different than our western way of making coffee. If you haven’t tried coffee of the Levant region yet (middle east region), you haven’t taste another dimension of enjoying coffee. It is so deep settled within the Turkish culture that if you visit any house in turkey, one of the first questions would be how much sugar you take with your coffee rather than asking whether you would like to have coffee or not.
Turkish coffee making is very different than our traditional coffee recipes in many ways. Let’s start with our Turkish coffee recipe in a very detailed manner.
You will need:
- Cold Filtered Water
- Perfectly Grounded Coffee. ( 1 tablespoon per serving cup)
- Cardamom pod or grounded Cardamom
- Sugar according to taste preference.
- An Ibrik Coffee Pot. Also known as cezve in Turkey (optional)
- Demitasse Cup or Espresso cup (optional)
How to Make Turkish Coffee
Step 1:
Collect all the ingredients mentioned above and pour water to the Ibrik pot. If you don’t have an Ibrik pot, a small saucepan would do just fine. But it is best to use copper made pot to bring more foam in your coffee.
It is important to use fresh and cold filtered water to get the perfect taste of your coffee. Drinkable water is not enough always. Normally drinkable tab water contains many chemicals like chlorine, hypochlorite, and chloramine that can impact the taste and aroma of your coffee.
Step 2:
Add sugar to the Ibrik pot according to your taste preference and then set the pot on medium flame and bring it to boil.
Step 3:
Remove the pot from flame and add grounded coffee and cardamom. It is important to use perfectly grounded coffee powder to get the best blend.
Usually, medium roasted Arabic coffee bean is perfect for making Turkish coffee. They have lower oil content than other types of coffee. And after grinding properly it should resemble cocoa power to some extent. You can also use normal coffee beans. You just need to grind coffee beans with a grinder or you can get it grounded from any coffee house.
It is important not to stir too much. It is very hard to resist the urge to stir. The Turkish coffee is not brewed but cooked over low flame. So the coffee powder will get mixed while cooking.
Step 4:
Return the pot on the flame again and let it come to boil over medium flame. The coffee will begin to form a foam at this point. Lower the heat to a minimum and let the coffee there for a couple of minutes. This will bring a thick foam over the coffee. The foam is very important for Turkish coffee. It is customary to serve Turkish coffee with foam over the top.
Step 5:
Remove the pot from the heat and your Turkish coffee is ready to enjoy. Pour it over on Demitasse Cup or Espresso cup. Turkish coffee is traditionally enjoyed in small cups similar to espresso cups. Serving Turkish coffee on middle eastern style coffee cups like mine in the picture below will certainly bring a different mood to you and your guests. It will give you some extra marks on the presentation.
Traditionally, Turkish coffee is served with a fresh glass of water and some sweets. It is common for people to have a sip of water before every sip of coffee. I have seen many people in America add milk or cream with Turkish coffee. But to be frank, I have never seen anyone in turkey to add milk or other sweeteners with their coffee.
So, this is my simple Turkish coffee recipe for you. I encourage you to try it once or twice if you haven’t already. It is deeply rooted in Turkish culture and it is perfect for entertaining your guest and they will enjoy it for sure. So try it home and let me know how was your experience on it in the comment section.